Monday, January 28, 2008

New to the blog world

So this is my first time working with a blog. I personally have a strong dislike of the word "blog" but the idea is great!

Anyway. Thoughts. First. I think some of Jenny's ideas for jumping into the material are great. I think a homework assignment of reading the myth and finding one image that resonates would be fabulous and not too much to do. I actually did a shameless internet search the other day to find a quick version to read and found a whole bunch with no problem. So a far as I am concerned that is all it has to be. Just something to get a little refresher on the details of the myth.

I think actually that as far as time-breakdown percentages go maybe more like 20% physical and 80% material would be better right now. I think I personally want to jump start the whole thing.  The sooner we have some sense of a piece to fiddle with, the sooner this will feel like it is breathing on its own. 

As far as the physical...I was thinking of doing an ensemble exercise I have always found really effective at either building ensemble of demonstrating what needs to happen to build ensemble.

It goes like so. Everyone standing in a circle. Lock eyes with the person across. Soften gaze. Include the two people on either side into your scope of awareness. Then add the new two and the next two until you are "looking" at the how group. And then with no particular leader everyone simultaneously take two steps forward and on the the left. It usually takes a few tries but once it is going we just let it go and see where the group goes. This can lead to incredible things when everyone is able to give into it.

It would take maybe 15 or 20 minutes.

As for content work, I think taking part of the time to talk through the story the major plot points, and identify the really rich symbolic elements that resonate for each of us; the points that there can be lots of exploration. And then we can take the rest of the time to take a few scene titles ( as Jenny suggested) and try to explore those through either scene work, or more elemental compositional gestures and tableau; in a sense just start to explore the physical vocabulary we might want to work with. 

For me I look at this myth mostly in reference to the symbolism of how we interact with love. The ways in which we hide ourselves from our lovers for fear of what...? of being as fully ourselves as we absolutely are?...of having sides that are to big, too ugly, too powerful, too weak, too divine to handle?  That we lay too much value in the perfection, blind faith, trust. That we fall on our own arrow when we either least expect it,  or would really prefer not to cause it's gonna make mamma real angry. That we are so able to "psych ourselves out" (HELLO!!) and to convince ourselves or be convinced our partner might be not right, they might be false,  or not good enough, or  stupid, or downright monstrous when really all those fears are parts of our own dark side more than anything else.  And how mythologically typical to finally realize what you have as it flies out the door. And all the ridiculous bologna we put ourselves through to get another chance. That is what I am excited to explore in this story. 

that is all for now.

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