Friday, February 29, 2008
Ideas of things to maybe try
2. Image collages of characters
3. Having everyone answer the questions:
a) Tell us when you've been Psyche
b) Tell us when you've been Eros
c) Tell us when you've been Aphrodite
d) Has there ever been a time when you felt like you invented love?
e) has there ever been a time when you felt like you invented sex?
f) tell us about your worst heartbreak
g) tell us about a time when you broke someone's heart
h) what have you done to win someone back?
i) when have you felt like the gods are against you/
j) what makes you feel beautiful?
k) what is your underworld?
4. Have people bring in objects that might be or represent the following:
a) Eros's arrows
b) Beauty
c) The Box Psyche brings from the underworld
d) the grains she sorts
e) Psyche's lamp
f) Psyche's knife
Then do some exercises where we play with transforming them from one scene to the next
5. Break out the scenes in the story we think are most important, and try telling them different ways, and or in different styles, ie the "there were once three daughters" as noir, a beauty pageant, a rock video, a mary zimmerman play, etc.
6. Have everyone toss certain images into the pot that keep coming up (a la Marie's dream, my image of projections on silk, etc) and see how we can build scenes around them that we may or may not put in the final production
7. Have some "arts and crafts" days, where we let our more visual art inclined folks lead us through making set pieces, masks, possible costume pieces, possible puppets, etc...
8. Try telling the entire story as a non-traditional puppet show.
9. Try telling the entire story in silent movement.
10. Try telling the entire story as a series of still tableaus.
Just a few ideas for tonight...
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Yes to day dreams
I am beginning to see this piece more an more as having several layers of style and storytelling technique. One would involved the characters themselves and their scenes. One might involved vignettes with experts such as Joseph Campbell on mythology, or as Jenny mentioned the authorities on love such as The Kama Sutra and Cosmo. Actually after my thoughts on Aphrodite I think it would be fabulous to find a place to bring in the ridiculous hype surrounding the volatile love affairs/marriages/pregnancies/parenting of the hollywood stars these days.
And then I feel there might be place for a layer that does not involve text...that leans more on the emotional, expressionistic, ambigious forms of music and dance.
Thus my day dream....and actually this is one of those day dreams that has been bouncing around in my head for many years and may finally be finding a home in this piece.
It is episodic. Little bits. The music would preferably by made by the rest of the ensembles voices, instruments, drums (and/or other live musicians.)
two people enter an empty stage. wearing masks. and otherwise very sparce/dancible/gestural clothing with a very long gauzy strip wrapped neatly around their waist in such a way that it matches as part of their attire. They dance in the mode of the first meeting of eventual lovers. there is unexpected attraction. The subtle search to see if the other may be feeling the same attraction. a moment a some flirtation.
Other scenes ensue.
Then we see the same two enter again. again the flirting. contact.
other scenes
back to our buddy love affair. this time one may begin to sensually untie the gauzy stip and begin to unwrap the other. A play of the unwrapping begins. She may use the strip to pull the other too her, or he may use her strip to wrap her playfully to him. Foreplay.
other scene.
The playful intertwining of wraps continues, playfully at first, but then becomes a need to pull the wrappings tighter and tighter and if in hopes to push each other into one another and become one. wrapping chest to chest, pelvis to pelvis, head to head. upwrapping and wrapping. until a climax of sort s occurs. stillness wrapped as one.
other scenes.
waking. wrapped. in that terrifying instant the realization of being trapped. clostrophbia. They are tied together, heads to bound they can not see. The act of one trying to pull away only tightens the bonds and thus marks the start of struggle of the two to regain sight, self, freedom. they begin to pull themselves apart but more in a bit knotty mess than by unravelling. The yank and tear. They are each still wrapped and covered head, chest, pelvis, even as they pull part. so even as the closer they get to being apart they are still blinded by the wrappings. The at least rip/ cut the last piece and stand two mummfied individuals stunned.
other scenes.
still covered. stillness. they feel themselves with their hands assessing the blindness. they realize again the desire for the other but are not sure of how or why or what. the fumble for themselves, wanting to run. but unable. the fumble for each other. but cautiously or ambivilently. finally one feels and finds the tail of a ribbon and starts every so gingerly to unwrap the other's bindings. again the are undressing each other. slowly. ever so slowly. until finally the wrapping at last falls away from each other their faces and bodies. and they each stand in a pile of shed skin, naked or something like it, staring into each other.
other scenes.
not sure past this... ideas.
And quickly. I love your image Jenny of the shadow puppet sex with Hustler, etc. text. I also loved your description at the last meeting of your goal for depicting their wedding night and feel to pull that off the use of text may prove to lean toward comedy rather than toward the mass orgasmic hotness you were mentioning. I feel that state of euphoria is so far beyond our deeply flawed language of words, that I would be more apt explore how to create that degree of heat in other mediums. However I also totally love the idea and would love to play with it and am all for being persuaded otherwise.
"And their Eyes Met" and "Aphrodite's confession"
In the dim light of the candle/flashlight/headlamp?...after months of marriage and the most incredible physical ,yet sightless, intimacy their eyes finally met. And in that moment of recognition Eros opened his wings and flew.
I have to track it down...but there was a beautiful quote I found when Craig and I were composing our wedding and writing our vows about how that moment of recognition. The moment when that deep inner part of yourself sees the inner part of another in such a way that you both recognize yourself in the other. It talks about how it so terrifying and how if we are unprepared or unwilling to accept the magnitude of that transformation, then we are apt to be blown about from each other. I think that is what is happening in this scene.
"Aphrodite's Concession"
Ah. yes. of course. You like so many other fools think I am jealous. For thousands of years, you and your foolish kin have painted me a vain , superficial, embarrassment of a goddess. You have disgraced, discredited and demeaned me and all that I stand for. I am the goddess of love. Love! Not just beauty. Love is NOT beauty. Love is not Beautiful. Love is hard, dirty and endless work. And it is not different for the beautiful. You are cursed with the burden of loves twin easily won...but lust will not hold your roots in the ground through the wind storm. A flickering glance may breathe life into a flaming torch of passion time and time and time again. But a good rain will douse it cold. Lust disguised as love comes quick and easily to the beautiful. And for this I pity you! for this, I disgusted sit back and watch the dim-witted beauties muck up everything for themselves and everyone who feeds their illusion of worth.
But for the awake. the alert. the capable. For those beauties whose countenances are not more than a gorgeous sculpted set of muscles and nerves and flesh that hold in their souls...for those I am unwilling to sit aside and let the foolish rob you of your true worth. So for you I pull you from the herd to face challenges that go beyond a contest of beauty or a union of lust or duty... And in your case I give you a challenge beyond find just love for a mortal lifetime. I give you the greatest challenge any god has the power to give. I give you an immortal eternity to make love. To work and trust and fight and fuck and kiss and scream and make love again. And while it was not my wish to have you face that eternity in the arms of my seems some aspects of love go beyond my power. You have proven to me that your heart is more fierce and durable that your perfect face. Even I, can't seem to break you. either of you. So I have no choice but to joyously endorse you and welcome you as the immortal lover of my son. My job is done.
Interrogation Freewrite
When playing the part of Cupid, I found a timid young man. More timid than you would expect someone of his stature to be. He seemed to feel eclipsed by his mother. All he has ever wanted was a genuine love. Both to help in its creation and to hopefully experience it himself. He is conflicted in helping his mother because he knows he is aiding in the removal of people’s free will. But he does it in the hopes that good will come of it.
When the interrogation started, I chose a point in time from the story to use as a reference point to respond to questions. That point was just before Psyche comes to the castle. I realized later that this made the ‘are you a virgin?’ question awkward without that as a general knowledge. But I felt he was still a virgin til he was with Psyche. Cupid is torn by his mothers promiscuity and because of her lack of faithfulness he longs for a stability and commitment that he finds in Psyche.
I found that when Cupid’s interrogation was over, I continued to see things from his perspective as others continued to be interrogated. The questions I asked, or wanted to ask were questions I thought Cupid would be interested in knowing the answers to.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Tiltes, Sentences, and Other Thoughts
The Nag, or How to Madden a Rogue Youth
Thereupon she calls her winged son Cupid, mischievous enough in his own nature, and rouses and provokes him yet more by her complaints.
She annoys Cupid so much with her complaining that he’s pissed at Psyche just because he has to listen to Venus’ whining about being old and unattractive. She probably starts wearing clothes that are too skimpy to try and prove she’s still desirable. And she probably asks Cupid whether or not she looks good in her new outfits, which is the last thing he wants to be asked by his mother. With a groan he’ll reply ‘you look fine’ without even looking.
A Knowledgeable Mother, or How to Lose an Idiot Son
She points out Psyche to him and says, "My dear son, punish that contumacious beauty; give your mother a revenge as sweet as her injuries are great; infuse into the bosom of that haughty girl a passion for some low, mean, unworthy being, so that she may reap a mortification as great as her present exultation and triumph."
This actually happens. She falls in love with Cupid and eventually has to jump through all these hoops that make her miserable and cause her to almost commit suicide. Does Venus foresee this? Does she see Cupid as a low unworthy being? She thinks: “What is the worst punishment I can inflict on Psyche? Horrible deformations of her beautiful face? No. I will give to her my slacker, good for nothing son.” And Cupid falls in love with her for her beauty. And Psyche’s doubt of his love only fades when she sees that he too is beautiful. Then some stuff happens and the two beautiful idiots live happily ever after.
The Green-Eyed Sisters
With this idea, without saying a word of her intentions, each of them rose early the next morning and ascended the mountain, and having reached the top, called upon Zephyr to receive her and bear her to his lord; then leaping up, and not being sustained by Zephyr, fell down the precipice and was dashed to pieces.
They had married princes, which were not enough for them, fore they desired gods and immortality. Sounds like something I’d do; to give up a good thing in search or something better only to end up alone and broken.
Friday, February 8, 2008
We could show two figures behind a sheet, backlit so that they are the shadow-puppets. We could have interlapping/interlocking text from various authorities on sex:
Joy of Sex
Kama Sutra
romance novels
We could have the figures "disrobe" and begin with tame simulations of sex, moving into wilder and wilder, more acrobatic simulations. We could have a description, story-style, of Psyche's wedding night discoveries...then turn the lights out, Cupid disappears, the sheet comes down and wraps around psyche, becoming the sheet from the marital bed, in which she is entangled and bereft.
Any interest?
Jenny and her frickin' daydreams
The face of a woman seen through an ENORMOUS MAGNIFYING that we see all her pores and stray nosehairs and all the things that we micro-analyze when we look at ourselves to see "beauty". Perhaps this image somehow repeated in several media.
New York Fringe Festival?
Their criteria fits nicely with the mandate of the New Works Festival...innovative, low-tech, low-budget. I really think that we could do this, and that its/the NWF constraints might force us to be creative with our staging in cool ways.